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Change can be hard. We like the comfort of doing what we’ve always done and often brace ourselves for anything that could “mess up” the lives we lead. But just because something is hard, doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing. Life is a complex web of sleeping, eating, exercise, work, and play. Balancing all these aspects of life and staying healthy both mentally and physically is something you don’t have to tackle alone. 

At Neuropathy Treatment Clinic of Oklahoma, we want to partner with you in achieving your goals. What is that next thing that you are wanting to achieve? Whether it’s walking your dog or going for a hike, YOU CAN AGAIN! Sometimes we start a new routine and are determined to create new habits, and then summer hits and suddenly it’s 100 degrees outside. Now you can’t maintain the new activities you had been so determined to stick to – it becomes easy to give up and go back to old ways.

But this is your chance to think outside the box! 

Get Active Guide – Summer Edition

  1. Swimming – What a great way to stay active and cool at the same time. If you don’t have a pool, try the YMCA or join a nearby neighborhood pool.
  2. Walking in the Mall – Lets you window shop and exercise at the same time.
  3. Stream Your Favorite Exercise Content – A lot can be found on streaming services these days. Search for Pilates, strength training, or jazzercise on your own tv.
  4. Take an Evening or Early Morning Walk
  5. Join A Gym – Indoor treadmills and classes can be a great asset to gaining strength and staying consistent.

If you are dealing with symptoms of neuropathy, these activities can greatly benefit your path to feeling like you used to. YOU CAN AGAIN, with a treatment plan from NTCO. Make an appointment today!