Neuropathy Treatment Clinic of Oklahoma is not your typical doctor’s office. Patients actually enjoy coming because our staff is welcoming and friendly, plus there is just a sense of comradery and true care for their patients. Each person is unique and has a special story to tell about their life and goals. NTCO would like to partner with you to help you achieve the life you hope to live, whether you are 48 or 78 – there is still a way to get back to living.
Our neurologist uses an FDA approved electric stimulation system, a state-of-the-art device that delivers effective electric stimulation to a targeted area. When combined with local anesthetics, the result is effective relief of pain. Nerve Regenerating Therapy is well-tolerated by most patients, takes minutes to perform, is essentially painless other than a slight pinch with the injection, and offers significant relief to 87% of patients who undergo the therapy.
More specifically, when our medical staff performs NRT, they inject a Pharmaceutical Grade Nutrient Blend into the target region, followed by treatment with an electrical stimulation device. The machine combines (and simultaneously delivers) amplitude-modulated (AM) and frequency-modulated (FM) electric cell currents in pulsed electromagnetic fields (EMFs).
NRT treatment helps enhance the healing process by:
- Increasing available oxygen and blood flow
- Boosting second messenger molecules responsible for regenerative tissue effects
- Promoting anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects
Here at NTCO, we will not prescribe you narcotics or steroids to relieve pain. Instead, we will treat your symptoms by eliminating the source of the pain, which takes a whole-body approach to health. If you are sick and tired of being in pain, come check out what we have to offer at NTCO. There’s nothing to lose! See if we have the answer to your problems – relief for your chronic pain – so you can BEAT NEUROPATHY.