No one wants to live with “What ifs…” When you are dealing with chronic pain due to an injury or health issue, you might find yourself thinking, “What if I could still garden like I used to? What if I could still dance? Or what if it didn’t hurt to do… everything?”
The great news is that things CAN be different when you get treatment from Neuropathy Treatment Clinic of Oklahoma. The stories from patients of lessened and even the elimination of pain is astounding to hear! People who had found no relief from their symptoms of neuropathy in the past are now living their lives again, pain free. The good news is that it’s not too late for you to experience less pain. Even if you’ve been struggling with joint pain, knee pain, or sciatica for a long time, there is still a chance at relief.
Our friendly staff and providers want to help you feel your best again. We don’t want you to miss out on the life you want to live anymore. You can start by calling 918-921-8160 and scheduling a consultation to determine your eligibility for our treatment program. There, we will take a full medical history, test things like foot pressure and reflexes, and determine if you have large or small nerve fiber damage. We’ll also review any recent lab work, give you an overview of the treatment program and answer any questions you may have. Then, at a follow up visit after our medical team has assessed your file, we’ll review our findings with you and if you are a qualified candidate, you can start your first treatment session.
Imagine what you would do again if you didn’t have the pain you are feeling right now. Playing with your grandkids, yoga, cycling, dancing, gardening, golf…. whatever it is – it’s important to you, so it’s important to us at Neuropathy Treatment Clinic of Oklahoma.
Beat the pain you’ve been enduring. Call NTCO today!