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There are many causes for pain in your body. Inflammation, injury, pinched nerves, and underlying health issues can all wreak havoc on our everyday lives and if we don’t get treatment, that pain can grow and become more debilitating, or you realize over time you are so used to living that way that you don’t even know what “pain free” feels like.

At Neuropathy Treatment Clinic of Oklahoma, we realize that there are many different reasons as to why you are feeling the way you do. And we don’t give a blanket response for treatment – this is not a one-size-fits-all situation. Your unique story determines the best course of treatment for your body. Our whole-body approach looks at your lifestyle, diet, and exercise in addition to lab work to decide the best plan for you. We also use Nerve Regenerating Therapy to directly treat the nerves that are causing you pain, numbness, and tingling. This state-of-the-art technology can help reduce pain from symptoms of neuropathy by encouraging nerve regrowth. Plus, there are no side effects, so there is nothing to lose!

We’ve seen time and time again, patients walk through our doors that have been dealing with pain, tingling, and numbness for years. They’ve gone to doctor after doctor and found no relief. They’ve even had surgery and found no relief. You don’t need to go through all of that and then have nothing to show for it. Start with NTCO – try our treatment first – so that you can avoid all the hassle of narcotics, steroids, or surgery.

As someone who has dealt with their fair share of pain due to symptoms of Neuropathy, this is no way to live life. Pain should not be normal – don’t let it become that way for you. Get the help you need at Neuropathy Treatment Clinic of Oklahoma today and start living your best life.