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In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over several forms of exercise and activity that are often prominently involved in treatment and recovery from chronic pain conditions. Activity and movement are often big parts of such treatment, helping loosen muscles and keep joints healthy in ways that help manage long-term pain symptoms in several areas.

At Neuropathy Treatment Clinic of Oklahoma, we’re proud to offer a wide range of chronic pain treatment services, from back pain and neck pain conditions to a variety of others you may be experiencing. Part one discussed several activity and exercise areas to consider in coordination with your pain management specialist – today’s part two will dig into a number of tips our professionals commonly offer to those participating in such activities to ensure they do so safely and in helpful ways.


Throughout any activity you’re taking part in as part of your pain management program, slow and steady is the approach to take. Even if you feel great during a particular exercise or activity, don’t push yourself unnecessarily – ease into various activities, especially if it’s your first time trying them.

This theme also applies to understanding your limits during these activities. We all have our pride, yes, but this is not as important as your overall health and wellness. When your body begins to give you signs of fatigue or soreness, listen to it and don’t try to push through it just for the sake of finishing a given activity.

Take Breaks

Down similar lines, particularly during heavier cardio or aerobic exercise, be sure to take regular breaks. Use these to stay hydrated with plenty of water, for one, and also consider recommended stretches that will loosen up areas you’re working on.

No Sudden Movements

Especially for back pain or neck pain patients who are performing activity as part of their treatment, do your best to avoid any sudden twisting, jerking or similar movements. Many of these are found during lifting projects or house cleaning, where some may get a little overexuberant without realizing it. These kinds of movements may strain muscles, so you should instead be sure to turn your entire body and keep your back aligned at all times.

Posture Tips

Whenever it’s realistic, try to be at the level you’re working out on. When bending to lift items or stretch, do so from the knees and use them to power your lift, not your back. In all situations, look for ways to ensure you aren’t placing undue pressure on pain areas.

For more on how to utilize exercise and activity as part of chronic pain treatment, or to learn about any of our pain management services, speak to the staff at The Neuropathy Treatment Clinic of Oklahoma today.