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It might be hard to comprehend how it would even be possible to beat neuropathy without drugs, steroids, or surgery. Maybe you’ve tried all the above already or are just starting out on your journey to find help for chronic pain. No matter where you are in the process, you have found the solution, and it’s not too late.

Nerve Regenerating Therapy (NRT) at Neuropathy Treatment Clinic of Oklahoma is proven to help 87% of patients struggling with ongoing pain due to symptoms of neuropathy. Rather than simply masking your pain with medication, our staff of qualified medical professionals treat the symptoms relating to neuropathy at the source with electrochemical treatment. This nonsurgical therapy combines injections of a Pharmaceutical Grade Nutrient Blend with electrical cell signaling to provide significant relief from your symptoms. Plus, one of our team members also works with you to better manage the underlying cause of your neuropathy, which is the true key to success — stopping the pain where it begins, not simply treating symptoms.

It’s a win-win situation, really. A great atmosphere for treatment + non-invasive procedures + reduced pain. It’s worth a try at least. Maybe you are one of those 87% of patients that will walk away following treatment saying, “NTCO changed my life!” And when that happens for you, let us know so we can celebrate with you!

Our goal at NTCO is to help you have long-term pain relief. It’s your turn to get the help you need to be FREE TO LIVE AGAIN. Call Neuropathy Treatment Clinic of Oklahoma at (918) 921-8160 and speak with someone about your next steps in finding treatment that works. No referral is needed.

Don’t keep living with what if’s… make the call and change the trajectory of your life. There’s no time to lose!